
Posts Tagged ‘Tangled’



I bought my 4yo the vtech mobigo for her birthday in September this year. As she is a very girly girl, who loves pink and princesses, we got the pink one that came with the Disney princess game included. I also bought her the Disney’s tangled game, to go with it.

I was a little worried that the games would be too difficult for her, but she enjoys playing with it, and I have found that there are both easier levels and more advanced levels on both games, meaning it should keep her interest as she gets older. I also connected the mobigo to our computer, and we downloaded 3 extra games for her to play with, which were free, as we received 3 free v-coins when we registered online. The games include a colouring game, and one where you have to count how many bunnies are hiding – she really loves that one!!

It’s easy for her to set up and switch on by herself, and she can work the touch screen and the buttons well. Battery life is not amazing, but that may well be because my daughter plays with it all the time! It might be worth investing in some rechargeable batteries though, just in case. I also found that because my daughter is quite little, she found it hard to hold the mobigo in one hand, as is is quite heavy. All in all though, it’s a great buy, and it gets a big thumbs up from us!



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